PG Diploma in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
PG Diploma in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) In Dehradun

The water and sanitation sector plays a key role in the human well being and overall development of any society across the globe. It is inherent part of the development agenda for developing countries like India where millions even today lack access to basic water and sanitation services. Achieving universal sanitation i.e. access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation services have been identified as one of the key targets according to the Millennium Development Goals (United Nations).This one year PG diploma aims at preparing the professionals to achieve the target of providing universal, sustainable and affordable access to WASH. There are lot of concern about water, sanitation & hygiene all across the world. There is huge demand for these specialists allover. In India with plan for smart cities there will be huge demand for such specialist.