Director Message
Director's Message

Lalit Joshi
Advocate, Chairman
CIMS&R, Dehradun
Chairman's Message
Combined (PG) Institute of medical science and research is administered by J.J Educational Institute (Registered Society). The institute is an expert body comprising the medical professional's highly proficient in maintaining the high standard of medical, paramedical and nursing education. Combined with perfect clinical training in a multi specialty indoor medical centre.The institute was established in the year 2002 and since then has been fast developing it's infrastructure. She is undoubtedly the epitome of perfect clinical training and one of the most promising medical and Paramedical institute in northern India.
With a group of highly qualified, adapt and distinguished faculty members, the institutions has attained great heights in the various fields of paramedical education and training.
Nursing and Paramedical education promises a very bright future ahead, help In attaining one's goals and endeavors. Many countries are looking for Indian nursing and Paramedical professionals to cope up with the increasing demand of the same.
The campus of CIMS&R in Kuanwala Haridwar Road Dehradun abounds the lush green meadows and beautiful forest in close vicinity of Shivalik ranges in Garhwal. Apart from enriching medical knowledge and skills on various disciplines, the institute chiefly aims at building positive environment for the students and instills among them a set of moral virtues.

Sanjay Joshi
Managing's Director
CIMS&R, Dehradun
Managing Director's (MD) Message
Every unturned stone is important in achieving the skill and knowledge that may push you towards the path of development and success. While learning the skills students need to have a minimum set of values for necessary results. Values are not inborn in nature. They are shaped, nurtured and developed at home and Educational Institutions. Education is personality building process linked with the society and has both personal and social dimensions. Wishing you all the best in your quest for career excellence.
At CIMS&R College, we give all the guidance and support required to the students to ensure that desired goals are achieved. The method of teaching is unique and holistic. Information, knowledge, skills are taught and creativity is encouraged practicing all values and principles. I feel that students while choosing an Institution for studies must be conscious as this is the most important decision in their lives to shape their career. Come and interact with our team and professionals for complete satisfaction.

Sapna Joshi
Deputy Director
CIMS&R, Dehradun
Deputy Director's Message
I feel honoured to be part of institution like CIMS&R college that are engaged in imparting quality education and inculcating sense of discipline and responsibilities in students. For overall pesonality development students are provided ample opprtunity to prove and excel in their inborn potentials of sports, cultural activities and other cocurricular activities. While we are all strongly committed to impart value based quality education and explore all the avenues for maximum employability, yet we are emotionally committed to the cause of education andstudent's aim.
We all are living in the eara of unprecedented change where many opportunities await us. How we make use of these depends on our selection of opprtunity and way to do it. I welcome students to join CIMS&R colleges to meet their future goals.
Board of director's Messages

Dr. R.K. Jain
It gives me immense pride to be the part of Combined (P.G) Institute of Medical Sciences & Research as I have witnessed this Institute transcending to new heights with each passing year. Over a span of 18 years , CIMS&R has not grown only in physical infrastructure but also in terms of quality of education it is imparting. My sincere wishes to the Chairman of the Institute as his unmatched intelligence and hard work is helping many students from uttarakhand and neighbouring states to avail world class education at pocket friendly charges.
Director CMI Hospital Member
CIMS&R, Dehradun

Dr. Mahesh Kuriyal
I feel blessed and honoured to be associated with a reputed Institute like CIMS&R which has a dedicated, highly competent team of professionals. The invaluable trust of parents, blessing and well wishers and most importantly the enthusiastic students of CIMS&R continues to add laurels to the Institutions kit. I firmly recommend this institution to all the aspirants who have a crave to learn and excel in their life.
Consultant Neurosurgeon, CMI hospital, Dehradun Member
CIMS&R, Dehradun

Dr. Bimal Nautiyal
This institution's prime aim to empower the students for becoming the excellent human resources and to contribute meaningfully to the society speaks it all about CIMS&R. Here the students are moulded to be the future perfectionists and technocrats. I congratulate the Chairman, Mr. Lalit Mohan Joshi on the enviable track of academic excellence of the Institute. As I walk through the portals of this Institution, I am captivated by the brilliance and enthusiasm of its students, the expertise of its staff and uniqueness of what it is offering to the society.
I hope the aspirants will feel the same sense of joyful discovery after their choice to be a part of this phenomenal team.
General Physician CMI Hospital, Dehradun Member
CIMS&R, Dehradun

Dr. Sanjana Nautiyal
The mantra of human development lies in “Education for All”. Following the same, Combined (P.G) Institute of Medical Sciences & Research is imparting ultra modern academic facilities in a mature environment where sound work ethics, self discipline and acquisition of independent learning skills are fostered. We know CIMS&R for equipping its students with appropriate knowledge, skills, habits sand attitude and values as well which makes this Institute outshine the others in educational sector. I wish an efficient and dynamic team of Combined (P.G) Institute of Medical Sciences & Research all the success and its student a very bright and prosperous future.
Wish you all happy and glorious futures.
Consultant Pathologist.
CIMS&R, Dehradun